Adding A Feature - Instagram

Adding a Gallery folder and Schedule a post feature


Task: Adding a new feature (Gallery Folder & Schedule a Post) to Instagram

My Role: Research, User Interviews, Sitemap, User/Task Flows. Sketching, Wireframing, Prototyping, User testing.

Project Timeline: 2 weeks/ 80 hours


Design Process



Research Goal

I want to know how adding a private photo gallery feature on Instagram impacts users in a positive way and share their experience on Instagram and how to design a useful photo gallery & presets and schedule features for the users to use the app efficiently. 

Research Objectives 

  1. Learn about users who prefer picture editing on Instagram

  2. Learn about why users like the filter option and how they feel about having a private photo gallery on Instagram

  3. Study user needs, goals, and pain points about having a private photo gallery. 

  4. What is the other mobile application used to schedule a post/feed on Instagram?


Instagram is the 6th most used social network in the world. It highlights the photos and videos posted by its users through posts or stories. Now, the app is mainly used to follow friends and favorite influencers in areas such as fashion, beauty, sport, cooking, etc.

Since its launch in 2010, more than 50 billion photos have been shared on Instagram and more than 100 million photos and videos are posted daily. 


 Instagram users like to edit their pictures, also want to save them for later to post but they don't have the option. Users are not able to save the edited pictures in the Instagram photo gallery to schedule the post for later. 


Benchmark Analysis

After doing my research I started doing benchmark analysis for the new app feature

benchmark analysis.png

Benchmark Analysis

Analysis of Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook



User Interview

After benchmark analysis, I started my user interviews with 8 users from different backgrounds. All the interviews were conducted in person and analysed the users goals, and painpoints.


Interview Summary

  • Most participants find it difficult posting every day

  • Saving a picture for later is easy 

  • Influencer prefers to save the post for later

  • Students like to have a private photo gallery

  • Most of the participants prefer to have a private gallery

  • All the participants use Instagram every day

Design Decisions 

  • Design a feature for users to save the picture 

  • Design a private photo gallery to save the picture

  • Design a feature for users to schedule their post

  • Design a calendar for users to schedule their post

  • Design a time and date section for users to set the time and date

  • Design album folders inside a private photo gallery for the users to find the pictures easily to post. 


Persona Development

Persona 1 - Jane Is a herbalist who would like to grow her business on Instagram. She likes to start her own apothecary in the future.


Empathy Map

I gathered my information from user interviews, persona development and I created an empathy map using Miro.


Persona 2 - Dan is a chef who would like to grow his business on Instagram. He likes to start his own restaurant in the future.


Empathy Map

Empathy map for Persona 2


Information Architecture


Site Map

Using Miro, I created a sitemap.


Interaction Design


Task Flow

Using Whimsical, I created a task flow for the Instagram feature.

Task: Adding a picture into a private photo gallery album on Instagram and schedule a post for later.


User Flow

Using Whimsical, I created a user flow.

User Flow: Users schedules the post for later and saving pictures in a private photo gallery album on Instagram



I began preparing to sketch out my wireframes. I referred to my sitemap, user flow and task flow to guide me on sketching the features on Instagram.

Wireframe sketch  insta .jpeg

Wireframe Sketches for Adding a feature on Instagram


Digitizing Wireframes.

Guided by my sketches, Using Figma, I digitized my wireframes. I designed home, schedule a post and private photo gallery screens.


UI Design


UI Kit

Next, I made a UI kit with all UI components and styles currently in use on Instagram, for the more streamlined design.

UI KIT - Insta .png

UI Mobile Design

With the wireframe and visual styles defined, using my wireframe and UI Kit, I applied my top features for Instagram and created a mobile UI design.

Scrnshot ui casestudy cover.png

Thank You!