So Who Am I?

I enjoy leading design workshops and conducting UX audits. I find user research fascinating, and I'm exceptionally skilled in using tools like Google Analytics and Hotjar to gain insights into user behavior.

When not pushing pixels, I enjoy painting and singing. As a professional dancer, I love movement and rhythm. Reading books expands my knowledge and transports me to new worlds.

I enjoy art journaling to document my thoughts visually. I practice spirituality with meditation and yoga, connect with nature through gardening, and maintain my physical health by regularly working out at the gym. As an avid learner, I embrace the opportunity to explore new things and continuously strive to develop my skills. I am dedicated to personal and professional growth, always seeking new challenges and ways to expand my knowledge. I also enjoy sharing my creative work with others, whether showcasing my artwork, performing music, or sharing insights from my experiences.

Fun Fact About Me:

In addition to my professional accomplishments, here's a fun fact about me: I had the incredible opportunity to work as a film star in the South Indian movie industry. With a passion for entertaining and captivating audiences, I had the privilege of being part of cinema's vibrant and dynamic world. This unique experience has not only shaped my artistic abilities but has also added an element of creativity and storytelling to my work as a professional.